Pout Perfection: Loving Your Lips

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate love than by pampering your lips? Here I share my skincare tips, advice on aesthetic treatments and at-home remedies for the perfect pout.

Before diving into any elaborate routines, let’s start with the basics. Beautiful lips begin with hydration. Because lips do not have oil glands like the rest of the skin, they are more prone to dryness so regular hydration helps prevent dryness, chapping and cracking. It’s also worth remembering that your lips constantly exposed to harsh environmental elements such as wind, sun, and cold temperatures.

Hydrated lips are also better equipped to heal quickly and appear plumper and more youthful. In fact, when they are dehydrated you might notice they look deflated and those fine lines and wrinkles are more visible.

To keep your lips in optimal condition and maintain their delicate moisture balance, drink plenty of water throughout the day and use a good-quality moisturiser with SPF to protect against harmful UV rays. Additionally, during dry or extreme weather conditions, consider using a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

Aesthetic Treatments For A Wow Factor

Lip fillers are a type of cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a substance to enhance their size and shape. The most commonly used filler is hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps retain moisture and add volume.

Fillers add volume to the lips, making them appear fuller and plumper. This is often desired by those who have naturally thin lips or those who have lost volume due to ageing. They can also help improve the symmetry, ensuring that both upper and lower lips are proportionate, and reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Added to this, some people naturally may notice uneven or asymmetrical lips, so fillers can correct these asymmetries for a more balanced appearance. It’s essential to note that the effects of lip fillers are temporary, and the duration of results varies depending on the type of filler used. HA fillers typically last around 6 to 12 months, after which the body gradually absorbs the substance.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Like any cosmetic procedure, lip fillers carry some risks and potential side effects. These can include swelling, bruising, redness and tenderness at the injection site. In rare cases, more serious complications such as infection or allergic reactions may occur. The procedure should only be performed by a qualified and experienced medical professional to ensure safety and achieve the desired results. Always ensure you check their credentials, that they are using a dissolvable HA filler and they have a medicine called Hyalase on site. In the event of a blocked a blood vessel, the practitioner will be equipped to dissolve.

Tips and tricks: If you have  an active cold sore you should not have lip filler treatment. Even it’s not active, your injector should recommend using an anti-viral topical or oral treatment to prevent an episode as the treatment itself can cause this.

At Home Lip Treatments

To whisk away a dry, flaky skin, use a very soft toothbrush to leave your lips smooth and ready for that perfect lipstick application.

Honey and Sugar Scrub: Mix honey and sugar for a deliciously effective lip scrub. Apply in circular motions, then rinse off.

Coconut Oil Overnight Treatment: Let your lips soak in the goodness of coconut oil for a nourishing treatment.

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